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Links to Institutes studying acoustic communication in animals

Zoological Institute at University of Copenhagen
Sarah Bottjer Lab at University of Southern California
The Johnson Lab @ FSU
Institute of Behavioural Biology, Berlin
Department of Ethology at University of Hamburg
Cetacean Behavior Laboratory at San Diego State University
Steven L. Hopp at University of Arizona
Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology
Alec R. Lindsay at the University of Michigan
Georg Klump at Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
O. v. Helversen at Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg
Gabriel Francescoli at Facultad de Ciencias. Montevideo, Uruguay
Bioacoustics Team at Université Paris-Sud
Phillip S. Lobel at Boston University Marine Program
Department Wickler, Max Planck Institut für Verhaltensphysiologie Seewiesen, Germany
Thomas J. Walker at the University of Florida

Textbooks on acoustic communication in animals

BEECHER, M. D.: Spectrographic Analysis of Animal Vocalizations: Implications of the "Uncertainty Principle". Bioacoustics Vol.1, No 2/3, AB Academic Publishers, 1988.

BRADBURY, J.W.; S.L. VEHRENCAMP: Principles of animal communication. Sinauer Associates, Massachusetts 1998. .

CATCHPOLE, C.K.; SLATER, P.J.B.: Bird Song: Biological themes and variations. Cambridge University Press 1995.


Animal Acoustic Communication. Springer-Verlag Berlin/Heidelberg 1998. .

KROODSMA, D.E.; E.H. MILLER: Ecology and Evolution of Acoustic Communication in Birds. Cornell University Press 1996. .

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Last modified on 09 August 2002, Raimund Specht